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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Forests could become another victim of the Black Saturday Fires

Click the link below, post to your facebook profile and/or email to your networks!
Public consultation is now in full swing until April 8. Make your voice heard.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Watch out! VicForest TRP Amendments

Check out link attached below for the proposed Timber Release Plan (TRP) amendments. VicForests are calling for public consultation until 8th of April 2010.
The proposed amendments plan to add "...242 new areas of native forest (coupes) and roadlines, and modify 56 coupes and roadlines already on TRP's..." across the state to meet projected VicForest annual report targets (VicForests website, 2010 see link below)

Currently, in the process of setting up an online petition site to increase public awareness of these amendments and the destruction of areas of old growth forest included in the plans.
Stay posted...